Local & Long Distance Moving Services in Niles IL

Niles IL Moving Company

The village of Niles, Illinois was the first community established in the state—it was first settled in 1827, and established in 1899 with a population of 500. Today, the culturally diverse population of Niles is around 30,000, and this medium-sized village just outside Chicago is a great place to live.

Neighborhoods: There are six distinct neighborhoods in the village of Niles. The neighborhood of North Harlem Ave is interesting in that its borders make it roughly the same shape as the state of Illinois, on a smaller scale. Village Center is a popular neighborhood in Niles, and is considered one of the best places to retire in the state.

Housing: Niles movers will find a multitude of architectural styles available in this village, which may have been named after Niles Construction, the company that built most of the original structures in the early days of the village. In addition to plentiful rental housing, including townhouses, apartments, and condominiums, the most popular home styles here are ranch style, split-level, Cape Cod, Georgia, and Colonial.

Attractions: Whether you’re making a local move or a long-distance move to Niles, you’ll find plenty to do. Niles movers can look forward to some excellent shopping and recreational opportunities, with free bus service to all public facilities and major shopping centers. One landmark Niles citizens are particularly proud of is the Leaning Tower of Niles, which is a small-scale replica of the famous Leaning Tower of Piza. You’ll also find the popular Tam O’Shanter Golf Course, simply called “The Tam” by the locals.

Niles Movers of EZ Movers

Niles Movers has been helping families move to Niles, IL and other cities in the U.S. for over 15 years. Whether yours is a long distance, local, residential or commercial move, EZ Movers can help make it a successful one.

Why EZ Movers?

  • Safe. Most EZ Movers’ sales specialists are Certified Moving Consultant (CMC) certified, the industry-recognized credential for adherence to ethical conduct.
  • Start to Finish. We manage your entire move, including consultation, packing, moving, and storage.
  • Save. We offer flexible rates, so there’s sure to be an option that fits your budget.
  • Serve. As an affiliate of Susan G. Komen, Nashville, we give back a percentage of every move to serve our community by helping fund breast cancer research.
  • Smile. We enjoy being a part of your family’s transition and work hard to make it a stress-free, happy experience.

EZ Movers is proud to provide the community with quality moving services and in utilizing our success to help support the Susan G. Komen Foundation. We will continue to work hard and offer professional moving services in the years to come. EZ Does it!

We make it personal, yet keep it professional! e-z does it!

Call our relocation specialists for more information on moving estimates, packages and storage

(855) 525-MOVE (6683)