Winnetka IL Moving Company
The small village of Winnetka, Illinois, has a population of around 12,000 residents. What is unique about Winnetka is its economic status—it’s one of the most wealthy and exclusive suburbs in the country, recognized as among the top 15 richest zip codes in the U.S. by Business Week. Winnetka is the home town of several actors, including Chris O’Donnell and Virginia Madsen, and it contains the expansive brick house featured in the movie Home Alone.
Neighborhoods: There are just three neighborhoods in the village of Winnetka. Perhaps the most popular is the neighborhood of Sheridan Road, situated along the shore of Lake Michigan. The average home value in the Sheridan Road neighborhood, which features many waterfront properties, is over $1 million. The other two neighborhoods in Winnetka, Village Center and Hubbard Woods, are roughly equal in size and make up the north and south portions of the village. Average home values in these neighborhoods are only slightly less, at $800,000.
Housing: Stunning architecture and immaculate homes await Winnetka movers. While there are few rental properties, in the form of condos or town homes, lavish single-family homes are abundant in Winnetka. A few of the popular architectural styles in this village include Colonial, Cape Cod, waterfront bungalows, English Tudor, Georgian, and French provincial.
Attractions: The village offers an abundance of recreational options for Winnetka movers. There are four beaches along the shoreline, and one is dog-friendly. The Winnetka Park District operates several programs, including hockey, ice skating, golfing, sailing and boating lessons, and tennis. The village also has three distinct shopping districts to choose from.
Winnetka Movers of EZ Movers
Winnetka Movers has been helping families move to Winnetka, IL and other cities in the U.S. for over 15 years. Whether yours is a long distance, local, residential or commercial move, EZ Movers can help make it a successful one.
Why EZ Movers?
- Safe. Most EZ Movers’ sales specialists are Certified Moving Consultant (CMC) certified, the industry-recognized credential for adherence to ethical conduct.
- Start to Finish. We manage your entire move, including consultation, packing, moving, and storage.
- Save. We offer flexible rates, so there’s sure to be an option that fits your budget.
- Serve. As an affiliate of Susan G. Komen, Nashville, we give back a percentage of every move to serve our community by helping fund breast cancer research.
- Smile. We enjoy being a part of your family’s transition and work hard to make it a stress-free, happy experience.
EZ Movers is proud to provide the community with quality moving services and in utilizing our success to help support the Susan G. Komen Foundation. We will continue to work hard and offer professional moving services in the years to come. EZ Does it!
We make it personal, yet keep it professional! e-z does it!
Call our relocation specialists for more information on moving estimates, packages and storage
(855) 525-MOVE (6683)