West Des Moines IA Moving Company
Did you know that West Des Moines, Iowa ranked 94th in Money magazine’s “100 Best Places to Live and Launch” in 2008? Not only that, but it is also the tenth-largest city in Iowa and one of Iowa’s largest and wealthiest cities! Moving here may seem overwhelming but it doesn’t have to be. West Des Moines movers of EZ Movers will handle all of your moving needs as quickly and safely as possible according to the city’s regulations.
Neighborhoods: Years ago, this neighborhood used to be home to the Sac and Fox tribes. In the very early years it was also a trading and shipping junction, but that is not the case today. This neighborhood is exquisite and will provide any and all housing or entertainment needs that you desire or want.
Housing: Housing in West Des Moines is definitely not an issue. If you are searching for a single-family home, complete with a white picket fence or an apartment, you can find one here! EZ Movers will pack, sort, move, and even unpack all of your belongings into your new residence alleviating the headache of having to do it yourself.
Attractions: Why not spend an afternoon at the American Legion part one of West Des Moines? This one of the oldest and prettiest parks in the city is located at the corner of Fourth Street and Vine Street. If you’re looking for a historic attraction, stop over at the Jordan House!
West Des Moines Movers of EZ Movers
Why EZ Movers?
- Safe. Most EZ Movers’ sales specialists are Certified Moving Consultant (CMC) certified, the industry-recognized credential for adherence to ethical conduct.
- Start to Finish. We manage your entire move, including consultation, packing, moving, and storage.
- Save. We offer flexible rates, so there’s sure to be an option that fits your budget.
- Serve. As an affiliate of Susan G. Komen, Nashville, we give back a percentage of every move to serve our community by helping fund breast cancer research.
- Smile. We enjoy being a part of your family’s transition and work hard to make it a stress-free, happy experience.
EZ Movers is proud to provide the community with quality moving services and in utilizing our success to help support the Susan G. Komen Foundation. We will continue to work hard and offer professional moving services in the years to come. EZ Does it!
We make it personal, yet keep it professional! e-z does it!
Call our relocation specialists for more information on moving estimates, packages and storage
(855) 525-MOVE (6683)